Advice On How To Whiten, Your Teeth


Having a healthy-looking, brilliant smile can take years off of your appearance. Because of wear and tear, the aging process, and lifestyle choices that we make can all take a toll on the color of our teeth. Many Americans have opted to select one of the many options available for teeth whitening.

Try not to drink water that contains fluoride or using any toothpaste that contains it. Contrary to the popular belief that it is good for your teeth it has been shown to have a staining effect! Other countries have all together banned the use of it in their water because of dangers.

When you are going through a teeth whitening process, you may experience sensitivity. Sensitivity during the whitening is very common. The sensitivity should disappear within a day or two after the process is over. If you have continued sensitivity, you should consult with your dentist about the problem that you are having.

Make sure that you brush your teeth and floss daily after every meal. Flossing and brushing prevents the buildup of unwanted plaque which also discolors your teeth. Plaque is something you want to avoid at all costs and carrying floss with you can greatly help. Focusing on your teeth can assist in preventing discoloration and damage, keeping you healthy for the long term.

Find a teeth whitening program that fits into your life and schedule. Some require long periods of time with a gel or other device on your teeth. If you have a busy schedule with little down time, this may not work for you. Other programs require several treatments in the course of a day. Find one that works for you.

Do not discount the basic teeth whitening power of baking soda. This product has been used by many people for many years as an easy inexpensive way to whiten teeth. It is important to mix the baking soda with salt to increase abrasion. Using this 2-3 times a week will quickly show results. Always brush normally after treating.

Stop smoking. Your teeth are exposed to smoke and nicotine when you smoke, and this has been proven to cause tooth discoloration.

Teeth whitening products can increase the sensitivity of your teeth. It might not hurt forever, but it still hurts a lot. If you suffer this sensitivity, discontinue use and consult your dentist before using the product again. He may be able to recommend a product that will not have this effect on your teeth.

Carry a small toothbrush with you so you can use it after you eat any type of sugary snack. These types of foods tend to stick to teeth, and can start or add to any staining. Brush your teeth for a minute or two immediately after you eat your treat. Toothpaste is not necessary, but make sure you give teeth a good scrub and then rinse thoroughly with water.

Whitening products are not effective on teeth that appear gray. You may need to undergo multiple applications before seriously discolored teeth return to their previous level of whiteness.

Electric toothbrushes are really going to help you win the battle against yellow teeth. The pulsating brushes will eliminate your plaque more effectively than a traditional brush will and that will keep your teeth looking whiter. This will also help you fight gingivitis and cavities better than the traditional brush will.

To prevent your teeth from discoloring, you should always use a straw when drinking. This is because the straw reduces the contact between your teeth and the drink. The straw directs the liquid toward the back of your mouth, causing it to interact with your teeth only minimally.

If you are in need of a whiter, brighter smile, then you try rubbing wood ash on your teeth! Amazingly, wood ash contains content that will help to bleach your teeth. Additionally, wood ash is coarse to it helps to scrap off excess plaque on the surface of your teeth.

To help whiten your teeth, chew gum often after meals. Your teeth are naturally white and certain gums enable the mouth to do its own biochemistry and whitening and preservation of enamel after a meal. To get the most out of your teeth whitening efforts, let the body do all it can before you hit the toothpaste.

Since most teeth whitening gels are so powerful, only a dentist can give them to you. Teeth whitening gel is used in conjunction with laser whitening and only the laser equipment will activate it. This is a more costly method than others, but lasts longer and works quicker.

Perhaps the most effective way of getting your teeth whiter is by visiting your dentist. Because some home products may not be ideal for you, dentists can provide you with teeth bleaching and other techniques that are more effective. This may require you going for more than one dental treatment.

If you truly desire a whiter smile, you might want to rethink your dietary choices. Anything red, brown, or dark is almost guaranteed to stain your teeth. So is smoking. If you cannot limit or eradicate these items from your diet, try brushing after every meal, or even eating an apple!

In order to get white teeth, you ought to brush your teeth as soon as you wake up each morning and before you go to bed at night. As you sleep, your mouth dries out and creates plaque as bacteria builds up.

If you want whiter teeth, avoid drinking coffee. Coffee drinkers often stain their teeth a deep yellow color. Removing these stains can be very difficult, costly, and time consuming. Keeping your teeth white in the first place is the surest way to guarantee a sparkling smile for years to come.

Whether you choose to whiten your teeth in the comfort of your own home, or as you relax at the dentist’s office, you will no doubt be pleased with the results! A tremendous amount of what we look like has to do with our smile, so go treat yourself!